Well, I'm a week late in posting, but Levi is here! He was born March 3rd at 2:55am. Levi weighed 8lbs 7 oz, was 22 inches long with a head of 14.5cm. I'll post his birth story later, but I did have the successful drug-free VBAC (vaginal birth after Cesarean) that I desired. On Levi's 4th day of life, we had to admit him to the NICU at Seton because he had high biliruben levels and mild jaundice. We were there for about 28 hours before being discharged, but are now home and getting adjusted to life as a family of 4.

Colt likes to touch Levi and know what he is doing. He definitely doesn't like it when Levi cries and will start to fuss himself. Colt has been having some behavior issues while adjusting - just being more stubborn and disobedient, but hopefully that'll pass quickly! He's also not been feeling well, so the combination of a new brother, schedule changes with family being here, and illness have been taking their toll on him.

Our newly expanded family

Going home from the hospital - good thing we've got lots of family to help!

Levi in his going home outfit - sleeping on Daddy

Granny Rae and Uncle Andrew came to visit

Andrew, his girlfriend Amy, and Colt are good buds.

Here's Levi under the bili light we were given to try at home before the NICU.

Levi's first bath - he didn't even cry!
We've been blessed with 2 beautiful, healthy boys and wonderful family to help us adjust to life with a newborn. Thanks also to all of our friends who have given us wonderful support and encouragement in this new journey of ours!
so sweet! how old is colt? aidan was 22 months when i brought oliver home...i had a hard time the first few weeks. he would be gentle and careful and loving...then get jealous and even would scratch his head. he just didn't understand and was so used to being the only one with my attention. and nursing was VERY difficult because he saw an opportunity to go have an adventure! everything evened out and it's wonderful now! they play well and just love each other so much! once you start sleeping through the nights, you'll feel human again and it gets easier :) enjoy the sweet moments of infant-hood!
Congratulations! Levi is PRECIOUS. I'm glad you guys are home and doing well. I'm so impressed you did a drug-free delivery...you go girl!!! Let me know what I need to expect bringing a new baby home to a toddler!
Awesome! Can't wait to read his birth story! :)
Congrats! He's adorable. :o)
Congrats! He is adorable!
Congratulations, you two... y'all!
We just saw something about that blanket on The Doctors last week, so I actually knew what you were talking about. Glad he's all better and home.
Ty, you should wear your glasses more, they make you look sooper smart.
Congrats! What a cutie! Can't wait to see him in person.
Ha! I just realized that I commented twice. Silly me.
welcome to the world little handsome!!!
he is such a cutie!!!!!
He is precious! Can't wait to meet the sweet baby!
He is beautiful, Charis! I hope you are all adjusting and doing well.
He is adorable-looks just like his big brother. I understand Colt's adjustment issues. Macy went thru that when Harper was born...for about 3 months! This time around she is completely different though. She is such a help. I hope all is well!!
Congrats!! Whoo, and I hope to hear more about your VBAC. Good luck with both cuties.
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