Welcome! As you know if you are visiting this blog, Ty and I are pregnant with our first kid!! I am 10 weeks along, or a quarter of the way through. We have had lots of fun telling our family and our friends of the good news! I know a few weeks have passed, so I'll try to catch you up on all of the details.
We found out we were pregnant on October 26th. When we woke up in the AM, Ty suggested that I take a pregnancy test which I thought was a futile effort considering the test I took 3 days earlier was negative. But I crawled out of bed and took the test, which started showing a feint positive line. As it became stronger, I became elated. I waited the full three minutes, then crawled back in bed and told Ty the results. He was so excited to be a dad! We kept the secret a few days, hoping to go to the doctor to get things confirmed before we let everyone else in on the news. However, when I couldn't get a doctor appt till AFTER Thanksgiving, we changed our minds and began telling a few friends and our immediate family.
We told my mom on the phone, since she's in Florida right now. We were already scheduled to go to Houston for Ty's birthday (Nov. 10th) so we told his parents then. I gave Ty a picture frame with a message "Baby Dishman, Coming July 2007" followed by the verse Jeremiah 1:5. He looked at it and said, "Mom and Dad, I think this is for you." We visited my dad and stepmom the following weekend and revealed the news to them with the same framed message. Needless to say, all involved were very excited and greatful to FINALLY (in their words) become grandparents.