Friday, April 11, 2014

December… aren't my titles creative? ;)

The kids in their red and green. My mom sent these cute outfits for the girls. 

Colt made a joke while wearing this hat that he was Justin Beaver. Ha! 

Tatum was playing catch with Ty one day and was really into it.

But, she had some trouble catching...

Maybe b/c her eyes were closed.

Colt lost his first tooth! 

Some of the kids in Colt's class have been getting into Pokemon cards, so he got a few packs for Christmas. He and Levi got online to watch an explanatory video and picked it up quickly. 

He is so intent on learning! This is one of the things that I am loving about homeschooling Colt. When he knows that he isn't doing something correctly or as well as expected, he works diligently on it until there is improvement. I would say he is a pretty average student at this point, but I love that he works so hard (usually without complaining or getting frustrated) to meet his goals.

We drove to Cedar Park one FREEZING December evening for "Follow the Star," an event that follows Jesus's life, death and resurrection. This is the first stop where the angel is announcing the Good News to Mary.

We are all bundled up - it was literally freezing outside! 

The boys are watching The Last Supper

Cutie with a red nose. I didn't get a picture of it, but one scene was Jesus and the 2 criminals on the cross. They were only wearing loin cloths.. and it was freezing outside. What a bunch of toughies. It was a bit gruesome with a whipping scene and the crucifixion scene and I had to walk ahead with Tatum, but I think the boys really got a lot out of it. Another thing I will remember from this night was watching Jesus' ministry. He was in a town where crowds were all around him. He went out of his way to find a begging leper and not only did he help her, but he gave her a big, warm hug. How many times do I try to just help the lepers in my life, but not fully embrace them as He would? Some food for thought.

I found Zoe asleep like this one day. Ha! 

Levi had a special chapel at his preschool one day. He got to act out the part of one the shepherds. One cute shepherd! I love how he ran over to sit in my lap when I walked in the room :) 

We went to the Trail of Lights with some friends. Zoe loved riding on Dad's shoulders and all the lights. 

Zilker Tree. Stand under it and SPIN! 

I love this man!

We took a break at the library one day to play in the leaves. 
In December and part of November, we had a girl from church live with us. She just needed a place to stay before her new apartment was available for move in. We loved having Julia in our home and miss her now that she's gone. She was a trooper to put up with the kids. They had to learn to give her privacy and would bombard her with stories from the moment she walked into our house after work. She was a big help around the house and a great houseguest. She even hooked me up with some beautiful jewelry from her employer, Kendra Scott, for Ty's work Christmas party. Too bad I didn't get a picture of that or even of Julia. But thought I should mention it since she was a big part of our life this month. 

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